
Coinly is a spending tracker that allows you to record your transactions; income and expenses for you to have it all in one place. It is built on NextJS 14 using app router, styled with TailwindCSS, and uses an ORM, Prisma. It follows the best practices based on recommendations by Vercel, and is even hosted completely on Google Cloud Platform. It also has a CI/CD pipeline built with GitHub actions.

With this project, I learned

  1. a lot about writing good web application code, especially in NextJS,
  2. to use an ORM like Prisma,
  3. how to test web applications with Jest and Cypress,
  4. how to develop a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub actions,
  5. how to deploy a NextJS application on Google Cloud Run with continuous deployment,
  6. about starting up a PostgreSQL database on Google Compute Engine